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MSZ EN ISO 27107:2009
Állati és növényi zsírok és olajok. A peroxidszám meghatározása. Potenciometriás végpont-meghatározás (ISO 27107:2008)
Angol cím
Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of peroxide value. Potentiometric end-point determination (ISO 27107:2008)
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the peroxide value of animal and vegetable fats and oils. The method is applicable to all animal and vegetable fats and oils, fatty acids and their mixtures with peroxide values from 0 milliequivalents (meq) to 30 meq of active oxygen per kg. It is also applicable to margarines and fat spreads with varying water content. The method should not be used for milk fats; the method specified in ISO 3976:2006 is preferred. Also, the method is not applicable to lecithins. It is to be noted that the peroxide value is a dynamic value, whose value is dependent upon the history of the sample. Furthermore, the determination of the peroxide value is a highly empirical procedure and the value obtained depends on the sample mass. The user of this International Standard should be aware that due to the prescribed sample mass, the peroxide values obtained can be slightly lower than those obtained with lower sample mass. For some products, the amount of extracted fat/oil can be lower than 5 g, or the peroxide value of the fat/oil can be over 30 meq active oxygen per kg. In these cases, the user should choose a smaller sample mass. As the sample mass influences the result, this should be reported together with the result.
67.200.10 Állati és növényi zsírok és olajok
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idt EN ISO 27107:2008; idt ISO 27107:2008
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MSZ EN ISO 27107:2009

2009-03-01 - 2010-09-01