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ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 729-2:1995
Hegesztéssel kapcsolatos minőségügyi követelmények. Fémek ömlesztőhegesztése. 2. rész: Teljes körű minőségügyi követelmények
Angol cím
Quality requirements for welding. Fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
Alkalmazási terület
This standard has been prepared such that: - it is independent of the type of welded construction to be manufactured; - it defines quality requirements for welding both in workshops and on site; - it provides guidance for describing a manufacturer in respect to his welding capability. This standard is appropriate when demonstration of a manufacturers capability to produce welded construction, fulfilling specified quality requirements, are specified in one or more of the following: - a contract between involved parties; - an application standard; - a regulatory requirement. The requirements contained within this standard may be adopted in full or may be selectively deleted by the manufacturer if not applicable to the construction concerned. They provide a flexible framework for the control of welding in the following cases: - Case 1 To provide specific requirements for fusion welding in contracts which require the manufacturer to have a quality system in accordance with EN 29001 or EN 29002. - Case 2 To provide specific requirements for fusion welding in contracts which require the manufacturer to have a quality system other than EN 29001 or EN 29002. - Case 3 To provide specific requirements for fusion welding as guidance to a manufacturer developing a quality system. - Case 4 To provide specific requirements for references in application standards which uses fusion welding as part of its requirements or in a contract between relevant parties. It may however be more appropriate for EN 729-3 or EN 729-4 to be used in such cases.
25.160.10 Hegesztőeljárások
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MSZ EN 729-2:1995

1995-12-01 - 2006-04-01