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ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

Nettó ár: 22390 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 16272-6:2024
Vasúti alkalmazások. Infrastruktúra. Zajvédő falak és rokon berendezések a léghangterjedés befolyásolására. Vizsgálati módszer az akusztikus tulajdonságok meghatározására. 6. rész: Lényegi jellemzők. Léghangszigetelés közvetlen hangtéri feltételek mellett
Angol cím
Railway applications. Infrastructure. Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation. Test method for determining the acoustic performance. Part 6: Intrinsic characteristics. Airborne sound insulation under direct sound field conditions
Alkalmazási terület
This document describes a test method for measuring a quantity representative of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation for rail noise barriers and related devices: the sound insulation index. The test method is intended for the following applications: - determination of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise barriers and related devices to be installed along railways, to be measured either on typical installations alongside railways or in laboratory conditions; - determination of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise barriers and related devices in actual use; - comparison of design specifications with actual performance data after the completion of the construction work; - verification of the long-term performance of noise barriers and related devices (with a repeated application of the method); - interactive design process of new products, including the formulation of installation manuals. The test method is not intended for the determination of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise barriers and related devices to be installed in reverberant conditions, e.g. inside tunnels or deep trenches or under covers. Results are expressed as a function of frequency in one-third octave bands, where possible, between 100 Hz and 5 kHz. If it is not possible to get valid measurement results over the whole frequency range indicated, the results need to be given in a restricted frequency range and the reasons for the restriction(s) need to be clearly reported.
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MSZ EN 16272-6:2024



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