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ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

Nettó ár: 24530 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13231-1:2024
Vasúti alkalmazások. Infrastruktúra. Munkaátvétel. 1. rész: Munkák zúzottköves pályán. Vágányok, váltók és kereszteződések
Angol cím
Railway applications. Infrastructure. Acceptance of works. Part 1: Works on ballasted track. Plain line, switches and crossings
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies technical requirements and tolerances for the acceptance of works on ballasted track situated on: - plain line; - switches and crossings; and - rail expansion devices as part of the track for 1 435 mm and wider track gauge railways. The works on ballasted track, hereafter referred to as track works, concern construction of new track, track renewal and track maintenance. This document specifies the requirements for substructure works, track geometry, absolute track position, working parameters of on track machines, track components, ballast cross section, structure gauge, stressing works, specific measurements and quality checks for switches and crossings and rail expansion devices, and for the measuring systems used to perform measurements, verifications and checks for the scope of acceptance. Requirements for responsibilities and documentation necessary for the acceptance of track works are specified. This document also requires compliance of all track materials with the customer’s relevant acceptance criteria and specifications provided by the supplier. This document does not cover works related to reprofiling the railhead or the associated measurements, except for some measurements related to safety, as these works are covered by other parts of EN 13231 series. Platform reconstruction works and level crossing works are not covered by this document. This document does not apply to urban rail systems or ballastless track.
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MSZ EN 13231-1:2024



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