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Nettó ár: 18390 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN ISO 2553:2019
Hegesztés és rokon eljárások. Jelképes ábrázolás rajzokon. Hegesztett kötések (ISO 2553:2019, 2021. szeptemberi helyesbített változat)
Angol cím
Welding and allied processes. Symbolic representation on drawings. Welded joints (ISO 2553:2019, Corrected version 2021-09)
Alkalmazási terület
This document defines the rules to be applied for symbolic representation of welded joints on technical drawings. This can include information about the geometry, manufacture, quality and testing of the welds. The principles of this document can also be applied to soldered and brazed joints. It is recognized that there are two different approaches in the global market to designate the arrow side and other side on drawings. In this document: — clauses, tables and figures which carry the suffix letter "A" are applicable only to the symbolic representation system based on a dual reference line; — clauses, tables and figures which carry the suffix letter "B" are applicable only to the symbolic representation system based on a single reference line; — clauses, tables and figures which do not have the suffix letter "A" or "B" are applicable to both systems. The symbols shown in this document can be combined with other symbols used on technical drawings, for example to show surface finish requirements. An alternative designation method is presented which can be used to represent welded joints on drawings by specifying essential design information such as weld dimensions, quality level, etc. The joint preparation and welding process(es) are then determined by the production unit in order to meet the specified requirements. NOTE Examples given in this document, including dimensions, are illustrative only and are intended to demonstrate the proper application of principles.
01.100.20 Gépészeti rajzok
25.160.40 Hegesztett kötések és hegesztések
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idt ISO 2553:2019; idt EN ISO 2553:2019
Kiegészítő információk
2022/01: Helyesbítés
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MSZ EN ISO 2553:2019



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