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Nettó ár: 11360 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13481-5:2022
Vasúti alkalmazások. Vasúti pálya. A sín rögzítésének követelményei. 5. rész: Rögzítés merevlemezes vasúti pályákhoz
Angol cím
Railway applications. Track. Performance requirements for fastening systems. Part 5: Fastening systems for ballastless tracks
Alkalmazási terület
This document is applicable to fastening systems, in Categories A – D as specified in EN 13481-1:2012, 3.1 for attaching rails to the uppermost surface of concrete or steel elements in ballastless tracks, including tracks on open deck bridges, and for embedded rails in ballastless tracks, for maximum axle loads and minimum curve radii in accordance with Table 1. Táblázat The requirements apply to: — fastening systems which act on the foot and/or web of the rail including direct fastening systems and indirect fastening systems; — fastening systems for rail sections included in EN 13674-1 (excluding 49E4), or EN 13674-4. This document is not applicable to fastening systems for wood or polymer composite sleepers used in ballastless track, which are included in EN 13481-3. This document is not applicable to rigid fastening systems, special fastening systems used at bolted joints or glued joints or special low clamping force fastenings used to mitigate track-bridge interaction effects. This document is for type approval of complete fastening systems. In track forms in which there are rail seat blocks or sleepers mounted in “boots” (under-sleeper pads) the concrete element and its resilient support are considered to be parts of the elastic fastening system. If the track form includes floating slabs, (i.e. resiliently supported concrete elements with more than one fastening per rail) those concrete elements and their resilient supports are considered to be parts of the ballastless track and not of the fastening system.
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Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2016/797/EU Az Európai Parlament és a Tanács (EU) 2016/797 irányelve (2016. május 11.) a vasúti rendszer Európai Unión belüli kölcsönös átjárhatóságáról (EGT-vonatkozású szöveg) (RAIL07)
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MSZ EN 13481-5:2022



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