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MSZ EN 17279:2020
Élelmiszerek. Aflatoxin Bˇ1^, deoxinivalenol, fumonizin Bˇ1^ és Bˇ2^, ochratoxin A, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin és zearalenon szűrésének multimódszere élelmiszerekben (kivéve a csecsemőknek és kisgyermekeknek szánt élelmiszerek), LC-MS/MS-sel
Angol cím
Foodstuffs. Multimethod for the screening of aflatoxin Bˇ1^, deoxynivalenol, fumonisin Bˇ1^ and Bˇ2^, ochratoxin A, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and zearalenone in foodstuffs, excluding foods for infants and young children, by LC-MS/MS
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies a screening method for the determination of aflatoxin Bˇ1^, deoxynivalenol, fumonisin Bˇ1^ and Bˇ2^, ochratoxin A, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, and zearalenone in foodstuffs by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The aim of the screening method is to determine whether a certain pre-defined concentration (the screening target concentration, STC) is exceeded or not. The result of the screening is either “negative” or “suspect”. “Negative” (screen negative) means that the targeted mycotoxins are not detected or potentially present but below the STC. “Suspect” (screen positive) means that the established cut-off value is exceeded and the sample can contain one or more mycotoxins at a concentration higher than the STC. For full identification and accurate quantification a confirmatory quantitative analysis method is required which is outside the scope of this document. The method is suitable for various types of foodstuff and has been validated for representative matrices from four commodity groups (see detailed data in Annex C): — high starch and/or protein content and low water and fat content: wheat, cereal mixture, wheat flour and cornflakes; — high oil content: peanuts; — high sugar and low water content: dried figs; — high water content: grape juice. During validation, cut-off values were established for the following screening target concentrations: — aflatoxin Bˇ1^: 2 µg/kg to 5 µg/kg; — deoxynivalenol: 250 µg/kg to 865 µg/kg; — fumonisin Bˇ1^: 200 µg/kg to 790 µg/kg; — fumonisin Bˇ2^: 110 µg/kg to 230 µg/kg; — ochratoxin A: 4 µg/kg to 9 µg/kg; — T-2 toxin: 25 µg/kg; — HT-2 toxin: 25 µg/kg to 50 µg/kg; — zearalenone: 30 µg/kg to 100 µg/kg.
67.050 Élelmiszertermékek általános vizsgálati és elemzési módszerei
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882/2004/EK a takarmány- és élelmiszerjog, valamint az állat-egészségügyi és az állatok kíméletére vonatkozó szabályok követelményeinek történő megfelelés ellenőrzésének biztosítása céljából végrehajtott hatósági ellenőrzésekről (FEE3)
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MSZ EN 17279:2020



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