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ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 61000-3-11:2001
Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC). 3-11. rész: Határértékek. A feszültségváltozások, a feszültségingadozások és a villogás (flicker) határértékei a közcélú kisfeszültségű táphálózatokon. Legfeljebb 75 A névleges áramerősségű és adott feltételek szerint csatlakozó berendezések (IEC 61000-3-11:2000)
Angol cím
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 3-11: Limits. Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to conditional connection (IEC 61000-3-11:2000)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 61000 is concerned with the emission of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker produced by equipment and impressed on the public low-voltage supply system. It specifies the limits of voltage changes produced by equipment tested under specified conditions. This part of IEC 61000 is primarily applicable to electrical and electronic equipment having a rated input current from 16 A up to and including 75 A, which is intended to be connected to public low-voltage distribution systems having nominal system voltages of between 220 V and 250 V, line-to-neutral at 50 Hz, and which is subject to conditional connection. This part of IEC 61000 is also applicable to equipment within the scope of IEC 61000-3-3 that does not meet the limits when tested or evaluated with reference impedance Zˇref^ and is therefore subject to conditional connection. Equipment which meets the requirements of IEC 61000-3-3, is excluded from this part of IEC 61000. Equipment tests made in accordance with this part of IEC 61000 are type tests. NOTE The flicker limits specified in this part, being the same as those in IEC 61000-3-3, are based on the subjective severity of the flicker imposed on the light from 230 V/60 W coiled-coil filament lamps when subjected to fluctuations of the supply voltage. For systems with nominal voltages less than 220 V, line-to-neutral and/or frequency of 60 Hz, the limits and reference circuit values are under consideration.
33.100.10 Kibocsátás
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További adatok
idt IEC 61000-3-11:2000; idt EN 61000-3-11:2000
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
1999/5/EK; (RTTE99); 2004/108/EK; (EMC04); 2014/30/EU (EMC14)
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MSZ EN 61000-3-11:2001

2001-06-01 - 2022-11-01