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MSZ EN IEC 61968-1:2020
Alkalmazásintegráció áramszolgáltatóknál. Az elosztáskezelés rendszerinterfészei. 1. rész: Interfészarchitektúra és általános ajánlások (IEC 61968-1:2020)
Angol cím
Application integration at electric utilities. System interfaces for distribution management. Part 1: Interface architecture and general recommendations (IEC 61968-1:2020)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 61968 is the first in a series that, taken as a whole, defines interfaces for the major elements of an interface architecture for power system management and associated information exchange. This document identifies and establishes recommendations for standard interfaces based on an Interface Reference Model (IRM). Subsequent clauses of this document are based on each interface identified in the IRM. This set of standards is limited to the definition of interfaces. They provide for interoperability among different computer systems, platforms, and languages. IEC 61968-100 gives recommendations for methods and technologies to be used to implement functionality conforming to these interfaces. As used in IEC 61968, distribution management consists of various distributed application components for the utility to manage electrical distribution networks. These capabilities include monitoring and control of equipment for power delivery, management processes to ensure system reliability, voltage management, demand-side management, outage management, work management, network model management, facilities management, and metering. The IRM is specified in Clause 3. The IRM defines the high-level view of the TC 57 reference architecture and the detailed in the relevant 61968 series, 61970 series or 62325 series. The goal of the IRM is to provide a common relevant context view for TC 57 that covers domains like transmission, distribution, market, generation, consumer, regional reliability operators, and regulators.
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MSZ EN IEC 61968-1:2020



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