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MSZ EN IEC 61158-6-21:2019
Ipari adatközlő hálózatok. A terepi busz előírásai. 6-21. rész: Az alkalmazási réteg protokoll-előírása. 21-es típusú elemek (IEC 61158-6-21:2019)
Angol cím
Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. Part 6-21: Application layer protocol specification. Type 21 elements (IEC 61158-6-21:2019)
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 General This part of IEC 61158 is one of a series produced to facilitate the interconnection of automation system components. It is related to other standards in the set as defined by the three-layer fieldbus reference model described in IEC 61158-1. This International Standard contains material specific to the Type 21 communication protocol. 1.2 Overview The Fieldbus Application Layer (FAL) provides user programs with a means to access the fieldbus communication environment. In this respect, the FAL can be viewed as a window between corresponding application programs. This document provides common elements for basic time-critical and non-time-critical messaging communications between application programs in an automation environment, as well as material specific to Type 21. The term “time-critical” is used to represent the presence of a time-window, within which one or more specified actions must be completed with some defined level of certainty. Failure to complete specified actions within the required time risks the failure of the applications requesting the actions, with attendant risk to equipment, plant, and possibly human life. This document defines interactions between remote applications. It also defines the externally visible behavior provided by the Type 21 application layer in terms of: a) the formal abstract syntax defining the application layer protocol data units (APDUs) conveyed between communicating application entities; b) the transfer syntax defining encoding rules that are applied to the APDUs; c) the application context state machine defining the application service behavior visible between communicating application entities; d) the application relationship state machines defining the communication behavior visible between communicating application entities. The purpose of this document is to: a) describe the wire-representation of the service primitives defined in IEC 61158-5-21; b) describe the externally visible behavior associated with their transfer. This document defines the protocol of the Type 21 application layer in conformance with the OSI Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498) and the OSI application layer structure (ISO/IEC 9545). 1.3 Specifications The principal objective of this document is to specify the syntax and behavior of the application layer protocol that conveys the Type 21 application layer services. A secondary objective is to provide migration paths from previously existing industrial communications protocols. 1.4 Conformance This document does not restrict individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the implementations of application layer entities in industrial automation systems. Conformance is achieved through implementation of this application layer protocol specification.
25.040.40 Ipari folyamatok mérése és vezérlése
35.100.70 Alkalmazási réteg
35.110 Hálózatba szervezés
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MSZ EN IEC 61158-6-21:2019



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