
Hivatkozási szám, azonosító jelzet, vagy a szabványcímben előforduló kulcsszó szerinti keresés:

ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

Nettó ár: 14180 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 303 417:2018
A 19-21 kHz, 59-61 kHz, 79-90 kHz, 100-300 kHz, 6765-6795 kHz tartományban működő, rádiófrekvenciás sugárnyalábtól eltérő technológiákat használó vezeték nélküli energiaátviteli rendszerek. A 2014/53/EU irányelv 3. cikke (2) bekezdésének alapvető követelményeit tartalmazó, harmonizált szabvány
Angol cím
Wireless power transmission systems, using technologies other than radio frequency beam in the 19 - 21 kHz, 59 - 61 kHz, 79 - 90 kHz, 100 - 300 kHz, 6 765 - 6 795 kHz ranges. Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU
Alkalmazási terület
The present document specifies technical characteristics and methods of measurements for wireless power transmission (WPT) systems, using technologies other than radio frequency beam, in the 19 - 21 kHz, 59 - 61 kHz, 79 - 90 kHz, 100 - 300 kHz, 6 765 - 6 795 kHz ranges. The present document covers wireless power transmission systems which are regarded as radio equipment since including inherent radio communication functionality or radiodetermination via the WPT interface or port at the specific WPT frequency ranges. Such systems usually consist of: 1) A power transmitter, with additional communication capability to control the charge function, in conjunction with the receiving part. The power transmitter could also be named as base station. 2) A power receiver, which supplies the received energy to a mobile device and performs a control/supervision function for the mobile device status and charge operation. Both parts in combination are able to transmit and receive data in addition to the power transmission mode e.g. to control the mobile device status and to optimize the power transmission mode. These radio equipment types are capable of operating in the permitted frequency bands below 30 MHz as specified in Table 1. The present document covers fixed systems, mobile and portable systems. Táblázat NOTE 1: The frequency ranges listed in Table 1 are also used for generic inductive short range devices, according to ETSI EN 300 330 [1]. NOTE 2: The limits and the frequency ranges of the present document are EU wide harmonised according to EC Decision 2013/752/EU [i.2] and CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 [i.1]. NOTE 3: In addition, it should be noted that other frequency bands may be available in a country within the frequency range below 30 MHz. The present document covers the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU [i.3] under the conditions identified in Annex A.
33.100.01 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség általában
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idt EN 303 417:2017-09
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Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2014/53/EU (RTTE14); 1999/5/EK; (RTTE99)
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MSZ EN 303 417:2018



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