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MSZ EN ISO 636:2017
Hegesztőanyagok. Pálcák, huzalok és hegesztési ömledék ötvözetlen és finomszemcsés acélok volfrámelektródás, védőgázos ívhegesztéséhez. Osztályba sorolás (ISO 636:2017)
Angol cím
Welding consumables. Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels. Classification (ISO 636:2017)
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies requirements for classification of rods and wires in the as-welded condition and in the post-weld heat-treated condition for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels with a minimum yield strength of up to 500 MPa or a minimum tensile strength of up to 570 MPa. This document is a combined specification providing classification utilizing a system based upon the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal or utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J of all-weld metal. a) Paragraphs and tables which carry the suffix letter “A” are applicable only to rods and wires classified to the system based upon the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of allweld metal in accordance with this document. b) Paragraphs and tables which carry the suffix letter “B” are applicable only to rods and wires classified to the system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J of all-weld metal in accordance with this document. c) Paragraphs and tables which have neither the suffix letter “A” nor the suffix letter “B” are applicable to all rods and wires classified in accordance with this document.
25.160.20 Hegesztőanyagok
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idt EN ISO 636:2017; idt ISO 636:2017
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MSZ EN ISO 636:2017



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