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MSZ EN 50121-3-1:2017
Vasúti alkalmazások. Elektromágneses összeférhetőség. 3-1. rész: Gördülőállomány. Szerelvény és a teljes jármű
Angol cím
Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 3-1: Rolling stock. Train and complete vehicle
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies the emission and immunity requirements for all types of rolling stock. It covers traction stock, hauled stock and trainsets including urban vehicles for use in city streets. This European standard specifies the emission limits of the rolling stock to the outside world. The scope of this part of the standard ends at the interface of the rolling stock with its respective energy inputs and outputs. In the case of locomotives, trainsets, trams etc., this is the current collector (pantograph, shoe gear). In the case of hauled stock, this is the AC or DC auxiliary power connector. However, since the current collector is part of the traction stock, it is not entirely possible to exclude the effects of this interface with the power supply line. The slow moving test has been designed to minimize these effects. There may be additional compatibility requirements within the railway system identified in the EMC plan (e.g. as specified in EN 50238). Basically, all apparatus to be integrated into a vehicle meet the requirements of EN 50121-3-2. In exceptional cases, where apparatus meets another EMC Standard, but full compliance with EN 50121-3-2 is not demonstrated, EMC is ensured by adequate integration measures of the apparatus into the vehicle system and/or by an appropriate EMC analysis and test which justifies deviating from EN 50121-3-2. Electromagnetic interference concerning the railway system as a whole is dealt with in EN 50121-2. These specific provisions are to be used in conjunction with the general provisions in EN 50121-1. The frequency range considered is from 0 Hz (DC) to 400 GHz. No measurements need to be performed at frequencies where no requirement is specified.
33.100.01 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség általában
45.060.01 Vasúti gördülőállomány általában
45.140 Metró, villamos és kisvasúti berendezések
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idt EN 50121-3-1:2017
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2004/108/EK; (EMC04); 2014/30/EU (EMC14)
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Nettó: 10600 Ft
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PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 13462 Ft
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MSZ EN 50121-3-1:2017



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