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MSZ EN ISO 21549-7:2017
Egészségügyi informatika. Az egészségügyi pácienskártya adatai. 7. rész: Gyógyszerezési adatok (ISO 21549-7:2016)
Angol cím
Health informatics. Patient healthcard data. Part 7: Medication data (ISO 21549-7:2016)
Alkalmazási terület
This document applies to situations in which such data is recorded on or transported by patient healthcards compliant with the physical dimensions of ID-1 cards defined by ISO/IEC 7810. This document specifies the basic structure of the data contained within the medication data object, but does not specify or mandate particular data sets for storage on devices. The purpose of this document is for cards to provide information to other health professionals and to the patient or its non-professional caregiver. It can also be used to carry a new prescription from the prescriber to the dispenser/pharmacy in the design of its sets. Medication data include the following four components: — medication notes: additional information related to medication and the safe use of medicines by the patient such as medication history, sensitivities and allergies; — medication prescriptions: to carry a new prescription from the prescriber to the dispenser/pharmacy; — medication dispensed: the records of medications dispensed for the patient; — medication references: pointers to other systems that contain information that makes up medication prescription and the authority to dispense. The following topics are beyond the scope of this document: — physical or logical solutions for the practical functioning of particular types of data cards; — how the message is processed further “downstream” of the interface between two systems; — the form which the data takes for use outside the data card, or the way in which such data is visibly represented on the data card or elsewhere. NOTE Not only does the definition of “medicinal products” differ from country to country, but also the same name can relate to entirely different products in some countries. Therefore, it is important to consider the safety of the patient when the card is used across borders. This document describes and defines the Medication data objects used within or referenced by patient-held health data cards using UML, plain text and Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1). This document does not describe nor define the common objects defined within ISO 21549-2, even though they are referenced and utilized within this document.
35.240.80 Informatikai alkalmazások az egészségügyben
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idt ISO 21549-7:2016; idt EN ISO 21549-7:2016
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MSZ EN ISO 21549-7:2017

2017-06-01 - 2024-07-01