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ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

Nettó ár: 17330 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 303 203:2016
Kis hatótávolságú eszközök (SRD). A 2483,5 MHz-től 2500 MHz-ig terjedő tartományban működő gyógyászati célú testfelszíni hálózati rendszerek (MBANS-ek). A 2014/53/EU irányelv 3. cikke (2) bekezdésének alapvető követelményeit tartalmazó, harmonizált szabvány
Angol cím
Short Range Devices (SRD). Medical Body Area Network Systems (MBANSs) operating in the 2 483,5 MHz to 2 500 MHz range. Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU
Alkalmazási terület
The present document contains requirements to demonstrate that Medical Body Area Network System (MBANS) “…shall be so constructed that it both effectively uses and supports the efficient use of radio spectrum in order to avoid harmful interference” (article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU) [i.3]. The present document does not necessarily include all the requirements which may be required by a user, nor does it necessarily represent the optimum performance achievable. The types of devices that can belong to MBANSs are on-body and off-body medical sensors, patient monitoring devices and medical actuators covered by the Medical Device Directive (Directive 93/42/EEC [i.5]). The present document applies to the following MBANS applications which are considered to operate indoor: • MBANS operating in the healthcare facility. • MBANS operating in the patient's home. The present document contains the following basic technical characteristics of MBANS radio equipment which are also addressed in annex 2 of CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03 [i.2]: • Healthcare facility MBANS with 1 mW maximum e.i.r.p. and not more than 10 % duty cycle over a maximum emission bandwidth of 3 MHz. • Patient's home MBANS with 10 mW maximum e.i.r.p. and not more than 2 % duty cycle over a maximum emission bandwidth of 3 MHz.
33.060.20 Vevő- és adóberendezések
35.240.80 Informatikai alkalmazások az egészségügyben
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További adatok
idt EN 303 203:2015-11
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
1999/5/EK; (RTTE99); 2014/53/EU (RTTE14)
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Nettó: 17330 Ft
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MSZ EN 303 203:2016



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