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MSZ EN 50121-3-2:2015
Vasúti alkalmazások. Elektromágneses összeférhetőség. 3-2. rész: Gördülőállomány. Készülékek
Angol cím
Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 3-2: Rolling stock. Apparatus
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard applies to emission and immunity aspects of EMC for electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use on railway rolling stock. EN 50121-3-2 applies for the integration of apparatus on rolling stock. The frequency range considered is from DC to 400 GHz. No measurements need to be performed at frequencies where no requirement is specified. The application of tests shall depend on the particular apparatus, its configuration, its ports, its technology and its operating conditions. This standard takes into account the internal environment of the railway rolling stock and the external environment of the railway, and interference to the apparatus from equipment such as hand-held radio-transmitters. If a port is intended to transmit or receive for the purpose of radio communication (intentional radiators, e.g. transponder systems), then the radiated emission requirement in this standard is not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmission from a radio-transmitter as defined by the ITU. Immunity limits do not apply in the exclusion bands as defined in the corresponding EMC related standard for radio equipment. This standard does not apply to transient emissions when starting or stopping the apparatus. The objective of this standard is to define limits and test methods for electromagnetic emissions and immunity test requirements in relation to conducted and radiated disturbances. These limits and tests represent essential electromagnetic compatibility requirements. Emission requirements have been selected so as to ensure that disturbances generated by the apparatus operated normally on railway rolling stock do not exceed a level which could prevent other apparatus from operating as intended. The emission limits given in this standard take precedence over emission requirements for individual apparatus on board the rolling stock given in other standards. Likewise, the immunity requirements have been selected so as to ensure an adequate level of immunity for rolling stock apparatus. The levels do not however cover all cases which may occur with an extremely low probability of occurrence in any location. Specific requirements which deviate from this standard shall be specified. Test requirements are specified for each port considered. These specific provisions are to be used in conjunction with the general provisions in EN 50121-1.
33.100.01 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség általában
45.060.01 Vasúti gördülőállomány általában
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Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2008/57/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2008/57/EK IRÁNYELVE (2008. június 17.) a vasúti rendszer Közösségen belüli kölcsönös átjárhatóságáról (átdolgozott szöveg) (EGT-vonatkozású szöveg) (RAIL); 2004/108/EK; (EMC04)
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MSZ EN 50121-3-2:2015

2015-09-01 - 2019-10-24