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MSZ EN 50598-2:2015
A hajtásrendszerek, motorindítók, erősáramú elektronikák és vezérelt alkalmazásaik környezetbarát tervezése. 2. rész: Hajtásrendszerek és motorindítók energiahatékonysági mutatói
Angol cím
Ecodesign for power drive systems, motor starters, power electronics & their driven applications. Part 2: Energy efficiency indicators for power drive systems and motor starters
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies the energy efficiency indicators for power electronics (e.g. complete drive modules, CDM), power drive systems and motor starters, all used for motor driven equipment in the power range of 0,12 kW up to 1 000 kW. It specifies the methodology for determination of losses of the complete drive module (CDM), the power drive system (PDS) and the complete motor system. It defines IE and IES-classes, their limit values and provides test procedures for the classification of the overall losses of the motor system. Furthermore, this part of EN 50598 proposes a methodology for characterization of the best energy efficiency solution to be implemented. This depends on the motor driven system architecture, the speed/load profile and the operating points over time of the driven equipment. The methodology of the extended product approach and the semianalytical models are defined in Part 1 of the series. The structure of this EN 50598 contains the following: • the losses of a standardized reference PDS (RPDS) and the mathematical model for their calculation are given and classified; • the reference load/motor (RM) and the reference CDM (RCDM) are defined and can be used to determine the efficiency class of a motor system when one of its constituents is unknown; • the requirements for determining the losses of a real PDS are given and are classified in comparison to the RPDS; • the requirements for the type testing and the content of user documentation; • some illustrations of losses in an overall system as an example are given in annexes; • information about system and drive topologies are given in annexes. Specific data for power losses of RCDM, RM, RPDS and IE/IES-classes are given for low voltages (100 V up and equal to 1 000 V), single axis AC/AC power drive systems with three phase induction motors. Geared motors need to be treated as standard motors. All provided reference data is derived from PDS with induction motors, but valid for all types of PDS with other types of motors. High voltage equipment does not need to be assessed in this edition of the document. In EN 50598-3, the methodology for eco-design for environmental impact is defined. NOTE The 50598 series does not cover energy efficiency classification of driven equipment, but provides input for the assessment of extended product approach.
29.160.30 Motorok
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MSZ EN 50598-2:2015

2015-05-01 - 2020-04-07