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MSZ EN 60870-6-503:2015
Távvezérlő berendezések és rendszerek. 6-503. rész: Az ISO-szabványokkal és az ITU-T ajánlásaival kompatibilis távvezérlő protokollok. TASE.2 szolgálatok és protokoll (IEC 60870-6-503:2014)
Angol cím
Telecontrol equipment and systems. Part 6-503: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations. TASE.2 Services and protocol (IEC 60870-6-503:2014)
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 General This part of IEC 60870 specifies a method of exchanging time-critical control centre data through wide-area and local-area networks using a full ISO compliant protocol stack. It contains provisions for supporting both centralized and distributed architectures. This standard includes the exchange of real-time data indications, control operations, time-series data, scheduling and accounting information, remote program control and event notification. Though the primary objective of TASE.2 is to provide control centre (telecontrol) data exchange, its use is not restricted to control centre data exchange. It may be applied in any other domain having comparable requirements. Examples of such domains are power plants, factory automation, process control automation, and others. This standard does not specify individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the implementation of entities and interfaces within a computer system. This standard specifies the externally visible functionality of implementations together with conformance requirements for such functionalities. 1.2 Control centre The model of a control centre includes four primary classes of host processors: SCADA/EMS, Demand Side Management (DSM)/ Load Management, Distributed Applications, and Display Processors. The SCADA/EMS host is the primary processor, utilizing analogue and digital monitoring data collected at power plants, Non-Utility Generators, and transmission and distribution substations via Data Acquisition Units (DAUs) and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). The control centre typically contains redundant SCADA/EMS/DMS hosts in a "hot standby" configuration. The DSM/Load Management host(s) are used by either an operator or EMS application to initiate load management activities. The Distributed Application host(s) perform miscellaneous analysis, scheduling, or forecasting functions. Display Processors allow for local operator and dispatcher display and control. Typically, the control centre will contain one or more Local Area Networks (LANs) to connect these various hosts. The control centre will also access several WANs, often through intermediate communications processors. These WAN connections may include the company-wide area network for communications with the corporate host and a distinct real-time SCADA network. Each control centre will also have one or more TASE.2 instances to handle data exchange with remote control centres. Other classes of host processors like archive systems, engineering stations, or quality control systems (e.g., for data recording according to ISO 9000) may also be included. The application of the TASE.2 control centre model is in principle unlimited. This model provides a common and abstract definition applicable for any real systems which have comparable requirements. 1.3 Architecture The TASE.2 protocol relies on the use of MMS services (hence the underlying MMS protocol) to implement the control centre data exchange. Figure 1 shows the relationship of TASE.2, the MMS provider, and the rest of the protocol stack. In most cases, the values of objects being transferred are translated from/to the local machine representation automatically by the local MMS provider. Some TASE.2 objects require a common syntax (representation) and meaning (interpretation) by both communicating TASE.2 systems. This common representation and interpretation constitutes a form of protocol. The control centre applications are not part of this standard. It is assumed that these applications request TASE.2 operations and supply control centre data and functions to the TASE.2 implementation as needed. The specific interface between TASE.2 and the control centre applications is a local issue and not part of this standard. Ábra The protocol architecture for TASE.2 requires the use of ISO protocols in layers 5 to 7 of the OSI reference model. The Transport Profiles (layers 1 to 4) can use virtually any standard or de-facto standard (e.g. TCP) connection-mode transport layer and connectionless-mode network layer (e.g., IP) services over any type of transmission media.
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MSZ EN 60870-6-503:2015



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