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MSZ EN 1364-4:2014
Nem teherhordó elemek tűzállósági vizsgálata. 4. rész: Függönyfalak. Részleges konfiguráció
Angol cím
Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements. Part 4: Curtain walling. Part configuration
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of parts of curtain walling and of the perimeter seal. It examines the fire resistance to internal and external fire exposure of: — the spandrel panel, i.e. downstand, upstand or a combination thereof, or — the perimeter seal, or — the fixing of the framing system (anchoring) used to attach the curtain walling to the floor element, or — combinations thereof. Results from tests according to this standard form the basis for classification of curtain walling type A (see 3.3 for definition). For curtain walling type B (see 3.4 for definition) results may be used to determine fire resistance of parts of a curtain walling to increase the field of application when previously tested to EN 1364-3. For intended classification EW and for corner/faceted specimens EN 1364-3 should be used. This European Standard does not cover double skin façades, over-cladding systems and ventilated façade systems on external walls. It does not deal with the reaction to fire behaviour of curtain walling. This standard is intended to be read in conjunction with EN 1363-1 and EN 1363-2 as well as EN 1364-3 for curtain walling type B. NOTE Annex A gives informative guidance on the principles of testing parts of curtain walling and the test method.
13.220.50 Építőanyagok és -elemek tűzállósága
91.060.10 Falak. Válaszfalak. Homlokzatok
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MSZ EN 1364-4:2014



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