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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13139:2013
Kőanyaghalmazok (adalékanyagok) habarcshoz
Angol cím
Aggregates for mortar
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies the properties of aggregates obtained by processing natural, manufactured or recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for use in mortars, renders and screeds, e.g. a) masonry mortar, b) floor/screed mortar, c) surfacing of internal walls (plastering mortar), d) rendering of external walls, e) special bedding materials, f) repair mortar, g) grouts, for buildings, roads and civil engineering works. It covers aggregates having an oven dried particle density greater than 2,00 Mg/m3 (2 000 kg/m3). It also covers recycled aggregate with densities greater than 1,50 Mg/m3 (1 500 kg/m3). A list of the source materials that have been considered and indicating those which are within the scope of this standard is given in Annex A (normative) Requirements for the evaluation of conformity of the products to this European Standard are given in EN 16236. It incorporates a general requirement that aggregates will not release any dangerous substances in excess of the maximum permitted levels specified in a relevant European Standard for the material or permitted in the national regulations of the member state of destination. The tables in this standard include categories that are common across the four main aggregate standards: EN 12620, EN 13043, EN 13139 and EN 13242. Not all of these categories are appropriate for aggregates for use in mortars, renders and screeds. Categories, notes, comments etc., which are grey shaded, should not be used for mortars. Aggregates used in construction should comply with all the relevant requirements of the appropriate European Standards for aggregates. These standards include comprehensive and specific requirements for natural aggregates, iron and steel making slag and recycled aggregates, dealing with, for example, the stability of certain basalts, the expansion of certain slags and the constitution of recycled aggregates. For materials from some other secondary sources, however, work is on-going and the requirements are incomplete. In the meantime such materials, when placed on the market as aggregates, will comply fully with this standard but may also be required to comply with specific relevant additional requirements at the place of use. Additional characteristics and requirements may be specified on a case-by-case basis depending upon experience of use of the product, and defined in specific contractual documents. NOTE Requirements for lightweight aggregates are specified in prEN 13055. Requirements for the declaration of the potential of aggregates to release regulated dangerous substances are currently under development. Until such time as these are finalized, attention should be paid to requirements at the place of use.
91.100.15 Ásványi anyagok és termékek
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MSZ EN 13139:2013

2013-09-01 - 2014-05-01


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