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MSZ EN 61158-4-19:2013
Ipari adatközlő hálózatok. A terepi busz előírásai 4-19. rész: Az adatkapcsolati réteg protokoll-előírása. 19-es típusú elemek (IEC 61158-4-19:2010)
Angol cím
Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specification. Part 4-19: Data-link layer protocol specification. Type 19 elements (IEC 61158-4-19:2010)
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 General The data-link layer provides basic time-critical messaging communications between devices in an automation environment. This protocol provides communication opportunities to all participating data-link entities a) in a synchronously-starting cyclic manner, according to a pre-established schedule, and b) in a cyclic or acyclic asynchronous manner, as requested each cycle by each of those data-link entities. Thus this protocol can be characterized as one which provides cyclic and acyclic access asynchronously but with a synchronous restart of each cycle. 1.2 Specifications This standard specifies a) procedures for the timely transfer of data and control information from one data-link user entity to a peer user entity, and among the data-link entities forming the distributed datalink service provider; b) the structure of the fieldbus DLPDUs used for the transfer of data and control information by the protocol of this standard, and their representation as physical interface data units. 1.3 Procedures The procedures are defined in terms of a) the interactions between peer DL-entities (DLEs) through the exchange of fieldbus DLPDUs; b) the interactions between a DL-service (DLS) provider and a DLS-user in the same system through the exchange of DLS primitives; c) the interactions between a DLS-provider and a Ph-service provider in the same system through the exchange of Ph-service primitives. 1.4 Applicability These procedures are applicable to instances of communication between systems which support time-critical communications services within the data-link layer of the OSI or fieldbus reference models, and which require the ability to interconnect in an open systems interconnection environment. Profiles provide a simple multi-attribute means of summarizing an implementation’s capabilities, and thus its applicability to various time-critical communications needs. 1.5 Conformance This standard also specifies conformance requirements for systems implementing these procedures. This part of this standard does not contain tests to demonstrate compliance with such requirements.
25.040.40 Ipari folyamatok mérése és vezérlése
35.100.20 Adatkapcsolati réteg
35.110 Hálózatba szervezés
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idt EN 61158-4-19:2012; idt IEC 61158-4-19:2010
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Nettó: 29610 Ft
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PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 37605 Ft
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MSZ EN 61158-4-19:2013

2013-03-01 - 2015-03-01