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MSZ EN 60534-8-2:2012
Ipari folyamatok szabályozószelepei. 8-2. rész: Zajvizsgálat. A szabályozószelepeken keresztüli hidrodinamikus áramlás zajának laboratóriumi mérése (IEC 60534-8-2:2011)
Angol cím
Industrial-process control valves. Part 8-2: Noise considerations. Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves (IEC 60534-8-2:2011)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 60534-8 includes the method for measuring the sound pressure level due to liquid flow through a control valve and the method for determining the characteristic increase of noise due to the onset of cavitation. It also defines the equipment, methods and procedures for the laboratory measurement of the airborne sound needed to determine these characteristics. Two methods are provided for testing the noise generating characteristics of control valves. The first is a uniform method of measuring the radiated noise from the valve and the associated test piping including fixed flow restrictions through which the test fluid (water) is passing (see Note 1). The noise criteria are expressed by determining the sound pressure level of the valve under consideration. The second is a procedure for measuring the sound pressure levels within pipe systems upstream and downstream of the valve under fixed operating conditions. Since inaccuracies due to the pipe transmission are eliminated, this method shall be preferred for evaluation of the acoustical characteristic of valves. The noise characteristics to be determined are useful: a) to determine acoustical characteristics of valves and valve assemblies and the characteristic pressure ratio factor xFz of a control valve; b) to predict valve noise for given process conditions; c) to compare the performance of different valves and various measuring results; d) to plan measures for increasing service life and noise abatement; e) to determine possible adverse effects on ultra-sonic flow meter measurements; f) to enable proper sizing of sound absorbers. NOTE 1 Test fluids other than water or valves without downstream piping are not within the scope of this section of IEC 60534-8. NOTE 2 The factor xFz is used in a noise prediction method which is covered in IEC 60534-8-4.
17.140.20 Gépek és berendezések zajkibocsátása
23.060.40 Nyomásszabályozók
25.040.40 Ipari folyamatok mérése és vezérlése
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idt IEC 60534-8-2:2011; idt EN 60534-8-2:2011
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MSZ EN 60534-8-2:2012



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