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MSZ EN 60770-1:2011
Mérőadók ipari folyamatirányító rendszerekben való használatra. 1. rész: Teljesítményértékelési módszerek (IEC 60770-1:2010)
Angol cím
Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems. Part 1: Methods for performance evaluation (IEC 60770-1:2010)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 60770 is applicable to transmitters which have either a standard analogue electric current output signal or a standard pneumatic output analogue signal in accordance with IEC 60381-1 or IEC 60382. The tests detailed herein may be applied to transmitters which have other output signals, provided that due allowance is made for such differences. For the evaluation of the intelligent transmitters see IEC 60770-3. For certain types of transmitters where the sensor is an integral part, other specific IEC or ISO standards may need to be consulted (e.g. for chemical analysers, flowmeters, etc.) This standard is intended to specify uniform methods of test for the evaluation of the performance of transmitters with pneumatic or electric output signals. The methods of evaluation specified in this standard are intended for use by manufacturers to determine the performance of their products and by users or independent testing establishments to verify manufacturers' performance specifications. The test conditions defined in this standard, for example the range of ambient temperatures and power supply, represent those which commonly arise in use. Consequently, the values specified herein should be used where no other values are specified by the manufacturer. The tests specified in this standard are not necessarily sufficient for instruments specifically designed for unusually arduous or safety related duties. Conversely, a restricted series of test may be suitable for instruments designed to perform within a more limited range of conditions. When a full evaluation in accordance with this standard is not required, those tests which are required shall be performed and the results reported in accordance with those parts of the standard which are relevant.
25.040.40 Ipari folyamatok mérése és vezérlése
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idt IEC 60770-1:2010; idt EN 60770-1:2011
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MSZ EN 60770-1:2011

2011-09-01 - 2023-06-01


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