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MSZ EN 13381-8:2011
Szerkezetek tűzállóságához való hozzájárulás meghatározásának vizsgálati módszerei. 8. rész: Acélszerkezetek járulékos reaktív védelme
Angol cím
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members. Part 8: Applied reactive protection to steel members
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies a test method for determining the contribution made by applied reactive fire protection systems to the fire resistance of structural steel members, which can be used as beams or columns. It considers only sections without openings in the web. It is not directly applicable to structural tension members without further evaluation. Results from analysis of I or H-sections are directly applicable to angles, channels and T-sections for the same section factor, whether used as individual elements or as bracing. This European Standard does not apply to solid bar or rod. It covers fire protection systems that involve only reactive materials and not to passive fire protection materials as defined in this document. The evaluation is designed to cover a range of thicknesses of the applied fire protection material, a range of steel sections, characterized by their section factors, a range of design temperatures and a range of valid fire protection classification periods. This European Standard contains the fire test procedures, which specifies the tests which should be carried out to determine the ability of the fire protection system to remain coherent and attached to the steelwork, and to provide data on the thermal characteristics of the fire protection system, when exposed to the standard temperature/time curve specified in EN 1363-1. In special circumstances, where specified in National Building Regulations, there can be a need to subject reactive protection material to a smouldering curve, the test for this and the special circumstances for its use are described in Annex A. The fire test methodology makes provision for the collection and presentation of data, which can be used as direct input to the calculation of fire resistance of steel structural members in accordance with the procedures given in EN 1993-1-2 and EN 1994-1-2. (...)
13.220.50 Építőanyagok és -elemek tűzállósága
91.080.13 Acélszerkezetek
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MSZ EN 13381-8:2011

2011-06-01 - 2013-11-01