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MSZ EN 300 373-2:2010
Elektromágneses összeférhetőségi és rádióspektrumügyek (ERM). A KH- és RH-sávokban használt tengeri mozgószolgálati adók és vevők. 2. rész: Az R&TTE-irányelv 3. cikke (2) bekezdésének alapvető követelményeit tartalmazó, harmonizált európai szabvány
Angol cím
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Maritime mobile transmitters and receivers for use in the MF and HF bands; Part 2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
Alkalmazási terület
The present document applies to radio transmitters and receivers, for use on vessels, operating in either the Medium Frequency (MF) only or in the Medium and High Frequency (MF/HF) bands allocated in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Radio Regulations [i.6], to the Maritime Mobile Service (MMS). The present document refers to equipment for one or more of the following: - Single SideBand (SSB) modulation for telephony transmission and reception (J3E); - Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) or SSB modulation of a keyed sub-carrier to transmit and receive Digital Selective Calling (DSC) signals. The present document also refers to radio equipment with either an integrated or external DSC controller. The present document is intended to cover the provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) [i.2] article 3.2, which states that "….. radio equipment shall be so constructed that it effectively uses the spectrum allocated to terrestrial/space radio communications and orbital resources so as to avoid harmful interference". The requirements in the present document are applicable to receivers for operating on all frequencies in the bands 1 606,5 kHz to 4 000 kHz or 1 606,5 kHz to 27,5 MHz as allocated in the ITU Radio Regulations [i.6], to the MMS. Other spot frequency receivers should meet all the requirements of the present document and other relevant standards as applicable for the frequencies and modes provided. If the equipment, or parts of it, are designed in such a manner that they can be used for other categories of maritime radiocommunication (e.g. Morse telegraphy or NBDP - ETS 300 067 [i.1]), those parts of the equipment should fulfil the relevant requirements of the appropriate standards for the service(s) in question e.g. ETS 300 067 [i.1]. In addition to the present document, other ENs that specify technical requirements in respect of essential requirements under other parts of article 3 of the R&TTE Directive [i.2] will apply to equipment within the scope of the present document.
33.070.99 Egyéb mobil szolgálatok
33.100 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC)
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idt EN 300 373-2:2009-12
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Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
1999/5/EK; (RTTE99)
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MSZ EN 300 373-2:2010



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