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MSZ EN 13732:2002+A2:2009
Élelmiszer-ipari gépek. Elegytejhűtő berendezések tejtermelő gazdaságokban. A szerkezet, a teljesítmény, a használhatóság, a biztonság és a higiénia követelményei
Angol cím
Food processing machinery. Bulk Milk Coolers on Farms. Requirements for construction, performance, suitability for use, safety and hygiene
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 This European Standard specifies requirements for design, construction, performance, suitability for use, safety and hygiene of refrigerated bulk bovine milk coolers and the related methods of test. It applies to refrigerated bulk milk tanks with air cooled condensing units and automatic control intended for installation on farms or at milk collecting points. It applies to tanks for two milkings (24 h), four milkings (48 h) and six milkings (72 h), in which the cooling takes place totally or partially within the tank. Performance requirements in and do not apply to tanks where cooling does not take place totally within the tank nor where the tank is associated with a continuous system of milking (e.g. milking with robot). 1.2 This European Standard does not cover: - mobile tanks; - tanks intended to be tilted for drainage; - equipment for delivering the milk to the tank; - equipment for pre-cooling or instant cooling of the milk. 1.3 This standard covers significant hazards at machines falling within this scope when used as intended by the manufacturer and as identified by risk assessment (see EN 1050:1997). Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard for bulk milk coolers. This standard includes information in 7.1 and in annex A concerning the manufacturer's declaration of the noise emission level of the cooler. 1.4 This standard does not cover the calibration requirements for the tank to be used as a system for payment purpose. 1.5 This standard applies primarily to the machines which are manufactured after its date of issue.
65.040.10 Épületek, létesítmények és berendezések állattartáshoz
67.260 Élelmiszeripari üzemek és berendezések
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idt EN 13732:2002+A2:2009
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/42/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2006/42/EK IRÁNYELVE (2006. május 17.) a gépekről és a 95/16/EK irányelv módosításáról (átdolgozás) (EGT vonatkozású szöveg) (MAC06)
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Nettó: 21150 Ft
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MSZ EN 13732:2002+A2:2009

2009-10-01 - 2013-11-01