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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 1434-3:2009
Hőmennyiségmérők. 3. rész: Adatcsere és interfészek
Angol cím
Heat Meters. Part 3: Data exchange and interfaces
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard applies to heat meters, that is to instruments intended for measuring the heat which, in a heat-exchange circuit, is absorbed or given up by a liquid called the energy-conveying liquid. The meter indicates heat in legal units. Electrical safety requirements are not covered by this standard. Part 3 specifies the data exchange between a meter and a readout device (POINT / POINT communication). For these applications using the optical readout head, the EN 62056-21 protocol is recommended. For direct or remote local readout of a single or a few meters via a battery driven readout device, the physical layer of EN 13757-6 (local bus) is recommended. For bigger networks with up to 250 meters, a master unit with AC mains supply according to EN 13757-2 is necessary to control the M-Bus. For these applications the physical and link layer of EN 13757-2 and the application layer of EN 13757-3 is required. For wireless meter communications, EN 13757-4 describes several alternatives of walk/drive-by readout via a mobile station or by using stationary receivers or a network. Both unidirectionally and bidirectionally transmitting meters are supported by this standard.
17.200.10 Hő. Kalorimetria
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MSZ EN 1434-3:2009

2009-04-01 - 2016-06-01