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Nettó ár: 13780 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN ISO 13786:2008
Épületszerkezetek hőtechnikai viselkedése. Dinamikus hőtechnikai jellemzők. Számítási módszerek (ISO 13786:2007)
Angol cím
Thermal performance of building components. Dynamic thermal characteristics. Calculation methods (ISO 13786:2007)
Alkalmazási terület
ISO 13786:2007 specifies the characteristics related to the dynamic thermal behaviour of a complete building component and provides methods for their calculation. It also specifies the information on building materials required for the use of the building component. Since the characteristics depend on the way materials are combined to form building components, ISO 13786:2007 is not applicable to building materials or to unfinished building components. The definitions given in ISO 13786:2007 are applicable to any building component. A simplified calculation method is provided for plane components consisting of plane layers of substantially homogeneous building materials. Annex A specifies simpler methods for the estimation of the heat capacities in some limited cases. These methods are suitable for the determination of dynamic thermal properties required for the estimation of energy use. These approximations are not appropriate, however, for product characterization. Annex B gives the basic principle and examples of applications of the dynamic thermal characteristics defined in ISO 13786:2007. Annex C provides information for programming the calculation method. Annex D gives an example of calculation for a building component.
91.060.01 Épületelemek általában
91.120.10 Épületek hőszigetelése
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idt EN ISO 13786:2007; idt ISO 13786:2007
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Nettó: 13780 Ft
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PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 17501 Ft
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MSZ EN ISO 13786:2008

2008-04-01 - 2017-11-01