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MSZ EN 62310-1:2005
Statikus átviteli rendszerek (STS). 1. rész: Általános és biztonsági követelmények (IEC 62310-1:2005)
Angol cím
Static transfer systems (STS). Part 1: General and safety requirements (IEC 62310-1:2005)
Alkalmazási terület
IEC 62310 consists of three parts and applies to free standing a.c. static transfer systems (STS) intended to ensure the continuity of power to load by automatically or manually controlled transfer, with or without interruption, from two or several a.c. independent sources. This part of IEC 62310 concerns general and safety requirements. See future IEC 62310-2 for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and futureIEC 62310-3 for the method of specifying performance and test requirements. This part of IEC 62310 is intended to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons from installed equipment subject to installing, operating, and maintaining the equipment in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer. This part of IEC 62310 includes requirements for the switching elements, their control and protective elements, where applicable. This part of IEC 62310 also includes information for the overall integration of the STS and its accessories into the a.c. power distribution system. Components or devices necessary for the operation/control/protection/isolation (e.g. circuitbreakers, fuses, transformers, etc.) of a STS should comply with the requirements of the relevant IEC standards and are not covered by this part of IEC 62310. This standard applies to systems up to 1 000 V (a.c. value) which are intended to be used in single phase or phase-phase or three phase applications. This standard does not apply to: - devices for d.c. source switching; - static transfer system using only electromechanical switching devices intended to be used in emergency power systems with interruption of the supply to the load during transfer. This equipment is covered by IEC 60947-6-1; - the automatic switching devices integrated into UPS covered by IEC 62040 series. NOTE For STS intended to be used in vehicles, onboard ships or aircraft, in tropical countries, for emergency power systems (such as those used for health care facilities, fire fighting, emergency rescue, etc.), or on elevations greater than 1 000 m, different requirements may be necessary.
29.200 Egyenirányítók. Áramátalakítók. Stabilizált tápegységek
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További adatok
idt IEC 62310-1:2005; idt EN 62310-1:2005
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/95/EK; (LVD06); 2014/35/EU (LVD14)
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Nettó: 21150 Ft
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MSZ EN 62310-1:2005



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