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MSZ EN 61360-5:2004
Elektromos alkatrészekre vonatkozó szabványos adatelemtípusok és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó osztályozási sémák. 5. rész: Az EXPRESS adatmodell kibővítése (IEC 61360-5:2004)
Angol cím
Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components. Part 5: Extensions to the EXPRESS dictionary schema (IEC 61360-5:2004)
Alkalmazási terület
The scope of this part of IEC 61360 is the extension of the common ISO/IEC dictionary schema for the definition of concepts which are used in IEC 61360-1 but which are not addressed by the information models specified in IEC 61360-2. The object of this standard is to provide a formal model for data according to the scope as given above, and thus to provide, with IEC 61360-2, a means for the computer-sensible representation and exchange of all data which comply with IEC 61360-1. The common ISO/IEC dictionary schema as defined in IEC 61360-2 is the common ISO/IEC dictionary schema based on the intersection of the scopes of the two base standards: • IEC 61360-1; • ISO 13584-42. and facilitates a harmonization of both. Quotation of a relevant part from the scope and object of IEC 61360-1: This part of IEC 61360 provides a firm basis for the clear and unambiguous definition of characteristic properties (data element types) of all elements of electrotechnical systems from basic components to subassemblies and full systems. Although originally conceived in the context of providing a basis for the exchange of information on electric/electronic components, the principles and methods of this standard may be used in areas outside the original conception such as assemblies of components and electrotechnical systems and subsystems Quotation of a relevant part from the introduction of ISO 13584-42: This part of ISO 13584 provides rules and guidelines for library data suppliers to create hierarchies of families of parts according to a common methodology intended to enable multisupplier consistency. These rules pertain to the following: the method for grouping parts into families of parts to form a hierarchy; the dictionary elements that describe the families and properties of parts. IEC 61360-2 provides a common information model for the work of both committees, thus allowing for the implementation of dictionary systems dealing with data delivered according to either of the standards elaborated by both committees. This part of IEC 61360 provides a Library Integrated Information Model (liim) that, with resources from IEC 61360-2, ISO 13584 and ISO 10303, allows modelling and exchanging dictionary information compliant with IEC 61360-1.
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MSZ EN 61360-5:2004

2004-10-01 - 2019-11-01


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