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Nettó ár: 11290 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 288-9:2000
Hegesztési utasítás és a hegesztéstechnológia jóváhagyása fémekre. 9. rész: A szárazföldi és a tengeri szállító csővezetékek helyszínen hegesztett tompakötései hegesztéstechnológiájának vizsgálata
Angol cím
Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials. Part 9: Welding procedure test for pipeline welding on land and offshore site butt welding of transmission pipelines
Alkalmazási terület
This standard specifies how a welding procedure specification is approved by welding procedure tests for on land and offshore site butt welding of transmission pipelines under normal atmospheric conditions. Tests are carried out in accordance with this standard unless additional tests (e.g. CTOD tests and all weld metal tensile tests) are specified by the relevant application standard or contract when these apply. This standard defines the conditions for the execution of welding procedure approval tests and the limits of validity of an approved welding procedure for all practical welding operations within the range of variables listed in clause 8. It applies to the arc welding of steels of groups 1, 2 and 3 according to CR 12187.The principles of this standard can be applied to other fusion welding processes subject to agreement between the contracting parties. The requirements for welding procedure specification and qualification for hyperbaric and "wet" welding are not covered by this supplementary standard. Arc welding is covered by the following processes in accordance with EN 24063 : 111 - metal-arc welding with covered electrode; 114 - flux-cored wire metal-arc welding without gas shield; 121 - submerged arc welding with wire electrode; 131 - metal-arc inert gas welding, MIG - welding; 135 - metal-arc active gas welding, MAG-welding; 136 - flux-cored wire metal-arc welding with active gas shield; 141 - tungsten inert gas arc welding, TIG-welding. Other fusion welding processes by agreement e.g. metal cored wire arc welding.
25.160.10 Hegesztőeljárások
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MSZ EN 288-9:2000

2000-12-01 - 2014-06-01


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