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MSZ IEC/TS 62966-3:2024
Elektronikus és villamos berendezések vázszerkezete. Folyosórendszerű informatikai szekrények. 3. rész: Az üzemeltetési és személyi biztonság szempontjai
Angol cím
Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment. Aisle containment for it cabinets. Part 3: Aspects of operational and personal safety
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 62966 defines the requirements for operational and personal safety of aisle containments for IT cabinets. The aim is to provide physical security for the IT equipment installed in the containment using the criteria “availability” and “safety”. The requirements apply to all operational, working and maintenance procedures. This document does not apply to ordinary persons, when using installations and equipment. The requirements described herein are also intended to ensure that it is possible for authorized personnel to enter and remain in the containment (as accessible equipment) and to maintain or upgrade the systems installed in the containment without risk. It should also be possible to evacuate the containment quickly and safely at any time, especially in the event of a fire or any other hazardous situation, whilst reducing the health risk to personnel to a minimum. Aspects relating to computing, data processing, data storage, building protection or the data centre itself do not fall within the scope of this document. Only those additional aspects arising from the integration of an aisle containment are considered. The design and positioning of an aisle containment, which is integrated in the data centre, has influence on the following different aspects of operational safety: a) escape and evacuation plans; b) escape routes; c) emergency exits; d) functional aspects of escape doors; e) lighting conditions f) lighting and signposting of escape routes; g) fire protection. In this document, these operational safety requirements and recommendations are considered. To achieve the highest effectiveness, all these requirements are considered as much as possible during the design of an aisle containment. This document applies to normal operations, not to the initial installation of the containment.
31.240 Mechanikus szerkezetek elektronikus berendezésekhez
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MSZ IEC/TS 62966-3:2024



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