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MSZ EN 1993-1-5:2024
Eurocode 3: Acélszerkezetek tervezése. 1-5. rész: Lemezes szerkezeti elemek
Angol cím
Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-5: Plated structural elements
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 Scope of EN 1993-1-5 (1) This document provides rules for structural design of stiffened and unstiffened nominally flat plates which are subject to in-plane forces. (2) Non-uniform stress distributions due to shear lag, in-plane load introduction and plate buckling are covered. The effects of out-of-plane loading are outside the scope of this document. NOTE 1 The rules in this part complement the rules for class 1, 2, 3 and 4 sections, see EN 1993-1-1. NOTE 2 For the design of slender plates which are subject to repeated direct stress and/or shear and also fatigue due to out-of-plane bending of plate elements ("breathing"), see EN 1993-2 and EN 1993-6. NOTE 3 For the effects of out-of-plane loading and for the combination of in-plane effects and out-of-plane loading effects, see EN 1993-2 and EN 1993-1-7. (3) Single plate elements are considered as nominally flat where the curvature radius r in the direction perpendicular to the compression satisfies, as illustrated in Figure 1.1: r?b^2/t (1.1) where b is the panel width; t is the plate thickness. Figure 1.1 - Definition of plate curvature 1.2 Assumptions (1) Unless specifically stated, EN 1990, the EN 1991 series and EN 1993-1-1 apply. (2) The design methods given in EN 1993-1-5 are applicable if - the execution quality is as specified in EN 1090-2 and - the construction materials and products used are as specified in the relevant parts of the EN 1993 series or in the relevant material product specifications.
91.010.30 Műszaki szempontok
91.080.13 Acélszerkezetek
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Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
305/2011/EU; (CPR11)
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MSZ EN 1993-1-5:2024



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