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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 1991-2:2024
Eurocode 1: A tartószerkezeteket érő hatások. 2. rész: Hidak és egyéb mérnöki létesítmények forgalmi terhei
Angol cím
Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges and other civil engineering works
Alkalmazási terület
(1) This document defines imposed loads (models and representative values) associated with road traffic, pedestrian actions and rail traffic which include, when relevant, dynamic effects and centrifugal, braking and acceleration actions and actions for accidental design situations. (2) The imposed loads defined in this document are applicable for the design of new bridges, including decks, piers, abutments and associated walls (e.g. upstand walls, wing walls and flank walls) and their foundations. These imposed loads can also be used for the design of other structures subject to traffic loads (e.g. road tunnel floor slabs, noise barriers and their foundations). Where appropriate, the loads can also be considered as a basis for assessment or modification of existing structures in combination with complementary conditions if necessary. (3) The load models and values given in this document are also applicable for the design of retaining walls adjacent to roads and railway lines and the design of earthworks subject to road or rail traffic actions. This document also provides applicability conditions for specific load models. (4) This document is intended to be used with EN 1990, the other parts of the EN 1991 series and the EN 1992 series to EN 1999 series for the design of structures.
91.010.30 Műszaki szempontok
93.040 Hídépítés
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idt EN 1991-2:2023
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
305/2011/EU; (CPR11); 2008/57/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2008/57/EK IRÁNYELVE (2008. június 17.) a vasúti rendszer Közösségen belüli kölcsönös átjárhatóságáról (átdolgozott szöveg) (EGT-vonatkozású szöveg) (RAIL)
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MSZ EN 1991-2:2024



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