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MSZ EN IEC 62282-8-301:2024
Tüzelőanyagcella-technológia. 8-301. rész: Tüzelőanyagcella-modulokat alkalmazó energiatároló rendszerek reverzibilis üzemmódban. Szilárd (kerámia-) oxidos cellákon alapuló, reverzibilis működésű, metánból villamos energiát előállító rendszerek. Teljesítőképesség-vizsgálati módszerek (IEC 62282-8-301:2023)
Angol cím
Fuel cell technologies. Part 8-301: Energy storage systems using fuel cell modules in reverse mode. Power-to-methane energy systems based on solid oxide cells including reversible operation. Performance test methods (IEC 62282-8-301:2023)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 62282 specifies performance test methods of power-to-methane systems based on solid oxide cells (SOCs). Water, COˇ2^, and electricity are supplied to the system to produce methane and oxygen. This document is not intended to be applied to solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cell/stack assembly units for power generation purposes only, since these are covered in IEC 62282-7-2. In addition, the test methods for SOC cell/stack assembly units including reversible operation (without any methanation reactor) are already described in IEC 62282-8-101. Users can substitute the selected test methods of this document with the equivalent test methods given in IEC 62282-8-101 (solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) to produce Hˇ2^ only as well as SOFC operation mode and reversible mode) and in IEC 62282-7-2 (SOFC mode only). This document covers two types of processes as shown in Figure 1: - Case 1: Steam and COˇ2^ are introduced into the SOC (co-electrolysis process), and the product gas (mainly, Hˇ2^ + CO) is supplied to a methanation reactor (catalytic reactor); - Case 2: Steam is introduced into the SOC to generate Hˇ2^, which is supplied into a methanation reactor with COˇ2^. Besides these two cases, the methanation catalyst can be integrated within the SOC, but this case is not within the scope of this document. This document provides, for testing systems, information on instruments and specifies measurement methods to test the performance of SOC cell/stack assembly units and of the methanation reactor for energy conversion purposes. To produce CHˇ4^ from water and COˇ2^, the SOC is operated in electrolysis mode (solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC)). The SOC can be operated either in fuel cell mode (SOFC) or in reversible operation mode or both. In this document, the system is considered not to have components which store electricity, fluids, or heat. This document is intended to be used for data exchanges in commercial transactions between the system manufacturers and customers. Users of this document can selectively execute test items suitable for their purposes from those described in this document.
27.070 Tüzelőanyag-cellák
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MSZ EN IEC 62282-8-301:2024



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