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MSZ EN 16589-1:2023
Laboratóriumi helyi elszívóberendezések. 1. rész: Csuklós elszívókarok általános követelményei és típusvizsgálati módszerei
Angol cím
Laboratory local exhaust devices. Part 1: General requirements and type test methods for articulated extraction arms
Alkalmazási terület
This document is applicable to articulated extraction arms used as a local exhaust device in laboratories and comprised of a specific capture device (receiving, enclosing or capture hood, nozzle or flat screen) connected to ducting to move air from the capture device to discharge. This document is a product standard. This document covers product performance type test methods. Occupational health and safety assessments methods are not included in this document. This document specifies: - a method to assess the three-dimensional capture zone of an articulated extract arms; - a method for assessing the isothermal and diffusive emission release capture efficiency of articulated extract arms and robustness to a challenge of air disturbance directly in front of and in close proximity to the capture hood and release source positioned on a table; - a method for establishing the reachable, three-dimensional workspace of articulated extract arms; - a method for measuring the pressure drop and noise level of articulated extract arms; - instructions for marking the devices and recommended information in the product manual; - guidance for use describing the limitations of articulated extract arms for different airflow rates; - guidance on selection, installation, commissioning, and testing of articulated extract arms and the associated local exhaust ventilation systems. The test procedure for capture efficiency and the guidance included in Annex A and B does not apply to particle sources or point sources which release contaminants with initial velocity of above 0,5 m/s due to temperature, pressure release, work process or similar. The scope does not include filtration requirements and impact of fully or partly recirculated airflow extracted by an articulated extract arm.
71.040.10 Kémiai laboratóriumok. Laboratóriumi berendezések
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MSZ EN 16589-1:2023



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