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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13203-6:2022
Gáztüzelésű, használati meleg vizet előállító készülékek. 6. rész: A gőzkompressziós és az abszorpciós hőszivattyúk energiahasznosításának értékelése
Angol cím
Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water. Part 6: Assessment of energy consumption of adsorption and absorption heat pumps
Alkalmazási terület
This document is applicable to gas-fired appliances producing domestic hot water. It applies to sorption heat pumps connected to or including a domestic hot water storage tank. It applies to a package marketed as single unit or fully specified that have: — a heat input not exceeding 400 kW; — a hot water storage tank capacity (if any) not exceeding 2 000 l. In the case of gas-fired sorption heat pumps, with or without storage tank, domestic hot water production is integrated or coupled, the whole being marketed as a single unit. EN 13203-1:2015 sets out in qualitative and quantitative terms the performance in delivery of domestic hot water for a selected variety of uses. It also gives a system for presenting the information to the user. The present document sets out a method for assessing the energy performance of the appliances. It specifies a number of daily load profiles for each domestic hot water use, kitchen, shower, bath and a combination of these, together with corresponding test procedures, enabling the energy performances of different gas-fired appliances to be compared and matched to the needs of the user. Where other technologies are combined with a gas-fired sorption heat to produce domestic hot water, specific parts of EN 13203 apply. Horizontal ground heat sources are not covered by the scope of the present document.
91.140.65 Vízmelegítő berendezések
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(AIR101); 2016/426/EU (GAS16); (ENL11); (E-E06); (E-E07); (ECO17)
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Nettó: 13160 Ft
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MSZ EN 13203-6:2022



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