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MSZ EN ISO 22476-1:2013
Geotechnikai vizsgálatok. Terepi vizsgálatok. 1. rész: Elektromos nyomószondázás és pórusvíznyomás-méréses nyomószondázás (ISO 22476-1:2012)
Angol cím
Geotechnical investigation and testing. Field testing. Part 1: Electrical cone and piezocone penetration test (ISO 22476-1:2012)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of ISO 22476 deals with equipment requirements, the execution of and reporting on electrical cone and piezocone penetration tests. NOTE 1 This part of ISO 22476 fulfills the requirements for electrical cone and piezocone penetration tests as part of geotechnical investigation and testing according to EN 1997-1 [3] and EN 1997-2 [4]. Within the electrical cone and piezocone penetration test, two subcategories of the cone penetration test are considered: - electrical cone penetration test (CPT), which includes measurement of cone resistance and sleeve friction; - piezocone test (CPTU), which is a cone penetration test with the additional measurement of pore pressure. The CPTU is performed like a CPT with the measurement of the pore pressure at one or several locations on the penetrometer surface. NOTE 2 CPT or CPTU can also be used without measurement of sleeve friction, but this is not covered in this part of ISO 22476. This part of ISO 22476 specifies the following features: a) type of cone penetration test, according to Table 1; b) application class, according to Table 2; c) penetration length or penetration depth; d) elevation of the ground surface or the underwater ground surface at the location of the cone penetration test with reference to a datum; e) location of the cone penetration test relative to a reproducible fixed location reference point; f) pore pressure dissipation tests. NOTE 3 This part of ISO 22476 covers onshore and nearshore CPT. For extra requirements for offshore CPT, see NORSOK G-001 [8].
93.020 Földmunkák. Földkiemelés. Alapozásépítés. Föld alatti munkák
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idt EN ISO 22476-1:2012; idt EN ISO 22476-1:2012/AC:2013; idt ISO 22476-1:2012
Kiegészítő információk
2013/07: Helyesbítés
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MSZ EN ISO 22476-1:2013

2013-07-01 - 2023-05-01