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MSZ ISO 8528-10:2001
Dugattyús belső égésű motoros, váltakozó áramú áramfejlesztő gépcsoportok. 10. rész: A zajkibocsátás mérése burkoló mérőfelület alkalmazásával
Angol cím
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. Part 10: Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method
Alkalmazási terület
This part of ISO 8528 defines measurement methods for the determination of airborne noise emitted by reciprocating internal combustion engine driven generating sets in such a way that the total of relevant noise emissions, e.g. exhaust and cooling system noise, together with all other sources of engine noise, are evaluated on a similar basis to yield comparable results. However, when the exhaust and cooling systems are ducted to a remote site their noise contribution is not to be included in this part of ISO 8528. The essential noise emission characteristic value is the sound power level. The results of measurement taken in accordance with this part of ISO 8528 are classified as either accuracy grade 2 or grade 3 depending on which acoustic measurement conditions are complied with. Accuracy grade 2 (i. e., engineering method in accordance with ISO 3744) requires the measuring area to be a substantially acoustic-free field over a reflecting plane (with an environmental correction Kˇ2A^ < 2 dB) and with negligible background noise level (background noise correction Kˇ1A^ < 1,3 dB). Accuracy grade 3 (i. e. survey method in accordance with ISO 3746) requires the environmental correction Kˇ2A^ to be less or equal than 7 dB, and the background noise correction Kˇ1A^ to be less or equal than 3 dB. For the operation of a generating set under steady conditions this part of ISO 8528 allows for the calculation of the A-weighted sound power level as well as appropriate octave or one third octave sound power level for the appropriate accuracy grade. This part of ISO 8528 applies to RIC engine driven AC generating sets for fixed and mobile applications with rigid or flexible mountings. It is applicable for land and marine use, excluding generating sets used on aircraft or to propel land vehicles and locomotives. NOTE 1 This part of ISO 8528 has been developed for RIC engine driven AC generating sets, but it can also be applied to RIC engine driven DC generating sets. NOTE 2 For some specific applications (e. g. essential hospital supplies, high rise buildings, etc.) supplementary requirements may be necessary. The provisions of this part of ISO 8528 should be regarded as a basis. NOTE 3 True comparisons can only be made between generating sets when the measurement are classified in the same accuracy grade.
17.140.20 Gépek és berendezések zajkibocsátása
29.160.40 Generátorcsoportok
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MSZ ISO 8528-10:2001

2001-06-01 - 2023-05-01