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MSZ EN 17106-4:2022
Útkarbantartó gépek. Biztonság. 4. rész: Út menti területet karbantartó gépek. Fű- és sövénynyíró gépek követelményei
Angol cím
Road operation machinery. Safety. Part 4: Road service area maintenance machines. Requirements for grass and brush cutting machines
Alkalmazási terület
This document applies to grass and/or brush cutting machinery which are attached to or mounted on carrier vehicles (e.g. tractor, truck), or which are self-propelled machinery and which are defined in Clause 3. For mobile machinery, which are a combination of a grass/brush-cutting attachment and a carrier-vehicle, this part of the standard addresses the relevant health and safety requirements of Annex I of the machinery directive which are inherent to the grass or brush cutting attachment itself and those resulting from the other risks which are only related to the combination of the grass/brush-cutting attachment with the carrier vehicle (e.g. interfaces between the attachment and the carrier-vehicle, stability, visibility). For machinery which are a combination of a grass/brush-cutting attachment and a carrier-vehicle, this part does not deal with the carrier vehicle itself which is covered by another European legislation. For self-propelled machinery, this part only deals with health and safety requirements of the attachment itself and does not deal with the self-propelled machinery itself which are dealt with in EN 17106-1:2021. The requirements of this part are complementary to the common requirements formulated in EN 17106-1:2021. This document does not repeat the requirements from EN 17106-1:2021, but contains clauses/subclauses which supplement or modify the corresponding clauses/subclauses of part 1 to provide requirements for grass and/or brush cutting machinery. When requirements of this document are different from those which are stated in EN 17106-1:2021, the requirements of this document take precedence over the requirements of EN 17106-1:2021 for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this document. NOTE 1 Road regulations or Directives apply to vehicular trucks and tractors, termed ‘carrier vehicles’ in this standard. NOTE 2 The use in public road traffic is governed by the national regulations. This document deals with all significant hazards identified through a risk assessment pertinent to grass and/or brush cutting machinery, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (transportation, assembly, dismantling and disabling, see Annex D). This document specifies also the appropriate technical measures to eliminate or reduce risks arising from the significant hazards associated with machine operation, setting and adjustments, load discharge and routine maintenance. This document does not deal with: — walker-operated and hand-held machines; — machines for the maintenance of sports grounds; — machines for agriculture, horticulture and forestry; — pit and sewer cleaning vehicles/-machines; — grass and brush cutting machines with multiple cutting heads (see Figure C.20); — vertical axis grass and brush cutting machines except inter-post machinery (see Figure C.22); — horizontal axis grass and brush cutting machines with two rotors (see Figure C.23); — self-propelled remote-controlled machinery for road service area maintenance, except the mowing head; — self-propelled remote-controlled machinery used for forestry application (see Figure C.21); — cleansing and ditch maintenance machines (see Figures C.24 and C.25). This document does not deal with the risks associated with the operation of machines in potentially explosive atmospheres and risks associated with electro-magnetic compatibility, vibrations and slewing cab of self-propelled machinery. This document does not address the safety requirements related to noise declaration. This document is not applicable to grass and/or brush cutting machinery manufactured before the date of its publication.
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Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/42/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2006/42/EK IRÁNYELVE (2006. május 17.) a gépekről és a 95/16/EK irányelv módosításáról (átdolgozás) (EGT vonatkozású szöveg) (MAC06)
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MSZ EN 17106-4:2022



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