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MSZ EN IEC 62485-6:2021
Akkumulátorok és akkumulátortelepek biztonsági előírásai. 6. rész: Lítiumion akkumulátorok biztonságos üzemeltetése vontatási alkalmazásokban (IEC 62485-6:2021)
Angol cím
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations. Part 6: Safe operation of lithium-ion batteries in traction applications (IEC 62485-6:2021)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 62485 applies to battery installations used for electric off-road vehicles; it does not cover the design of such vehicles. Examples of the main applications are: – industrial - cleaning machines, - trucks for material handling, for example, lift trucks, tow trucks, automatic guided vehicles, - electrically propulsed lifting platforms; – other applications - electric powered boats and ships. This document covers the safety aspects of battery installations in such applications. This document does not cover railway vehicles, for traction railway application, see IEC 62928. This document does not cover batteries and battery installations for the propulsion of electric road vehicles. In the event of there being a variation of requirements between this document and those of a relevant product standard (e.g. goods vehicles, bicycles, wheel chairs, golf carts), then the product standard requirements take precedence. Lithium ion cells and batteries used in traction industrial application are intended to fulfil safety requirements in accordance with IEC 62619. The maximum voltages are limited to AC 1 000 V and to DC 1 500 V, and the principal measures for protection against hazards, generally from electricity, gas emission and electrolyte to prevent fire and explosion are described. This document provides requirements on safety aspects associated with the installation, use, inspection, maintenance and disposal of lithium ion batteries. Batteries containing lithium metal are not covered by this document. In general, the safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations – General safety information and definitions are specified for lead-acid, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hybrid batteries in accordance with IEC 62485-1.
29.220.20 Savas szekunder elemek és telepek
29.220.30 Lúgos szekunder elemek és telepek
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MSZ EN IEC 62485-6:2021



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