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MSZ EN 12514:2020
Folyékony tüzelőanyaggal működő hőfogyasztó egységek ellátórendszerének részegységei
Angol cím
Components for supply systems for consuming units with liquid fuels
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies the safety and performance essential characteristics and tests methods for the components for supply systems. Their intended use is the supply with liquid fuel for one or more consuming units from one or more tanks. This document applies to components for pressurised, negative pressurised, (vacuum), non-pressurised, underground, above ground, inside and/or outside systems to supply liquid fuels. The components for supply systems covered by this document are piping kits/systems with the following components: a) feed pump; b) control and safety device for feed pumps; c) service tank; d) service vessel; e) safety shut-off device; f) isolating valve; g) quick acting valve; h) switch-over valve; i) forced switch-over valve; j) check valve; k) pressure compensating device; l) discharge valve; m) pressure reducer; n) filter; o) meter; p) de-aerator; q) anti-siphon safety device; r) insulating device; s) pressure gauge; t) vapour/air separator; u) pressure control path; v) pressure retaining device; w) remote acting fire safety valve; x) pipe; y) pipeline connections; z) component within pipes; aa) combined component; bb) withdrawal device. Not covered by this document are items belonging to the consuming unit (e.g.: heating/cooling appliances in buildings) and items used for the mounting and support of components. Not covered by this document are items with the intended use of gas for building heating/cooling systems and any items of heating networks. Not covered are items used for drainage (including highways) and disposal of other liquids and gaseous waste, supply of oil and other liquids, supply of gases, pressure and vacuum systems, communications, sanitary and cleaning fixtures and storage fixtures.
27.060.10 Égők folyékony és szilárd tüzelőanyagokhoz
75.200 Kőolajtermékek és földgáz kezelőberendezései
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Az érvényesség kezdete
További adatok
idt EN 12514:2020; idt EN 12514:2020/AC:2021
Kiegészítő információk
2021/04: Helyesbítés
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2014/32/EU (MID14)
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PDF (letöltés) (a fájl mérete: 3708917) ,
221 oldal; XE kategória
Nettó: 43900 Ft
Papír formátum esetén (5% Áfával): 55314 Ft
PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 55753 Ft
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MSZ EN 12514:2020



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