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Nettó ár: 18230 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 50499:2020
Eljárás az elektromágneses terek munkavállalói expozíciójának értékelésére
Angol cím
Procedure for the assessment of the exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields
Alkalmazási terület
The scope of this document is to provide a general procedure for the assessment of workers’ exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in a workplace in order to determine compliance with exposure limit values and/or action levels as stated in European Directive 2013/35/EU. The purpose of this document is to — specify how to perform an initial assessment of the levels of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), if necessary, including specific exposure assessment of such levels by measurements and/or calculations, — determine whether it is necessary to carry out a detailed risk assessment of EMF exposure. This document can be used by employers for the risk assessment and, where required, measurement and/or calculation of the exposure of workers. Based on specific workplace and other standards, it can be determined whether preventive measures/actions have to be taken to comply with the provisions of the Directive. The frequencies covered are from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. NOTE 1 This document relates to the exposure limits as specified in the Directive 2013/35/EU. It is intended to protect workers from risks to their health and safety arising or likely to arise from exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) during their work. However, this and other Directives can include additional measures for the protection of specific groups of workers and/or specific workplaces for which the employer is required to investigate other protective measures as a part of the overall risk assessment. See Annex A. NOTE 2 Directive 2013/35/EU has been transposed into national legislation in all the EU member countries. It is intended that users of this standard consult the national legislation related to this transposition in order to identify the national regulations and requirements. These national regulations and requirements can have additional requirements that are not covered by this standard.
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További adatok
idt EN 50499:2019
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2004/40/EK (EMF04); 2013/35/EU (EMF13)
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MSZ EN 50499:2020



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