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MSZ EN ISO 11296-7:2019
Műanyag csővezetékrendszerek a föld alatti, nyomás nélküli alagcsövezési és csatornázási hálózatok felújításához. 7. rész: Bélelés spirálisan tekercselt csövekkel (ISO 11296-7:2019)
Angol cím
Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks. Part 7: Lining with spirally-wound pipes (ISO 11296-7:2019)
Alkalmazási terület
This document, in conjunction with ISO 11296-1, specifies requirements and test methods for pipes which are formed on site by spirally winding and jointing a pre-manufactured profiled plastics strip, or a profiled plastics strip and integral locking joiner strip, and used for the renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks. It applies to spirally-wound pipes of fixed or variable diameter made of profiled plastics strips, with or without steel stiffening elements, and installed by one of two methods. The first method employs a dedicated winding machine in front of the open end of an existing pipeline, e.g. in a manhole. The pipes thus formed are simultaneously inserted into the existing pipeline by the winding forces, and by certain techniques can also be expanded in diameter after or during insertion. The second method employs a dedicated winding machine which forms the pipe as it traverses the existing pipeline from one manhole to the next. It applies to profiled plastics strips of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC U) with integral locking mechanism, or of high density polyethylene (HDPE) with integrally welded joints.
23.040.20 Műanyag csövek
23.040.45 Műanyag csőidomok
91.140.80 Vízelvezető rendszerek
93.030 Külső szennyvízrendszerek
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MSZ EN ISO 11296-7:2019



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