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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN ISO 11819-2:2019
Akusztika. Az útburkolatok közlekedési zajra gyakorolt hatásának mérése. 2. rész: Közvetlen elhaladás mérési módszere (ISO 11819-2:2017)
Angol cím
Acoustics. Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. Part 2: The close-proximity method (ISO 11819-2:2017)
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies a method of evaluating different road surfaces with respect to their influence on traffic noise, under conditions when tyre/road noise dominates. The interpretation of the results applies to free-flowing traffic travelling on essentially level roads at constant speeds of 40 km/h and upwards, in which cases tyre/road noise is assumed to dominate (although in some countries it is possible that tyre/road noise does not dominate at 40 km/h when the proportion of heavy vehicles is high). For other driving conditions where traffic is not free-flowing, such as at junctions or under heavy acceleration, and where the traffic is congested, the influence of the road surface on noise emission is more complex. This is also the case for roads with high longitudinal gradients and a high proportion of heavy vehicles. A standard method for comparing noise characteristics of road surfaces gives road and environment authorities a tool for establishing common practices or limits as to the use of surfacings meeting certain noise criteria. However, it is not within the scope of this document to suggest such criteria. ISO 11819-1 defines another method: the statistical pass-by (SPB) method. The close-proximity (CPX) method specified in the present document has the same main objectives as the SPB method, but is intended to be used specifically in applications that are complementary to it, such as: — noise characterization of road surfaces at almost any arbitrary site, with the main purpose of checking compliance with a surface specification (an example for conformity of production is suggested in Reference [1]); — checking the acoustic effect of maintenance and condition, e.g. wear of and damage to surfaces, as well as clogging and the effect of cleaning of porous surfaces; — checking the longitudinal and lateral homogeneity of a road section; — the development of quieter road surfaces and research on tyre/road interaction. NOTE This document does not describe the conditions of application for formal purposes of the measurement with the CPX method. Such conditions may be defined in other standards or legal texts. However, suggestions for the applicability of ISO 11819-1 and this document are provided in Annex D. Measurements with the CPX method are faster and more practical than with the SPB method, but are more limited in the sense that it is relevant only in cases where tyre/road noise dominates and power unit noise can be neglected. Furthermore, it cannot take heavy vehicle tyre/road noise into account as fully as the SPB method can, since it uses a light truck tyre as a proxy for heavy vehicle tyres and does not take power unit noise into account. The CPX method specified in this document is intended to measure the properties of road surfaces, not the properties of tyres. If the method is used for research purposes, to provide an indication of differences between tyres, the loads and inflations would normally be adjusted to other values than specified in this document.
17.140.30 Közlekedési eszközök zajkibocsátása
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idt ISO 11819-2:2017; idt EN ISO 11819-2:2017
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MSZ EN ISO 11819-2:2019



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