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MSZ EN ISO 21225-1:2018
Műanyag csővezetékrendszerek föld alatti csővezeték-hálózatok kitakarás nélküli cseréjéhez. 1. rész: Vezetékcsere nyomvonalon, csőroppantással és csőeltávolítással (ISO 21225-1:2018)
Angol cím
Plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground pipeline networks. Part 1: Replacement on the line by pipe bursting and pipe extraction (ISO 21225-1:2018)
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies requirements and test methods for pipes and fittings which are part of plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground non-pressure and pressure drainage and sewerage networks and underground water and gas supply networks, by means of pipe bursting and pipe extraction. It is applicable to polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings, as manufactured, as well as to the installed replacement system. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with standards applicable for the construction of PE pipeline systems where available. Regarding manufactured pipes it is applicable to three different PE pipe types: — PE solid wall single layered pipes (nominal outside diameter, dn), including any identification stripes; — PE pipes with co-extruded layers on either or both the outside and inside of the pipe (total outside diameter, dn), as specified in Annex A, where all layers have the same MRS rating; — PE pipes (outside diameter, dn) having a peelable, contiguous, thermoplastics additional layer on the outside of the pipe (“coated pipe”), see Annex A. In addition it is applicable to: — jointing of pipe lengths by means of butt fusion joint; — jointing of pipe lengths by means of electrofusion joint; — fabricated and injection-moulded fittings made of PE. Pipes made from other plastics, e.g. glass reinforced plastics (GRP), are outside the scope of this document.
23.040.20 Műanyag csövek
23.040.45 Műanyag csőidomok
91.140.80 Vízelvezető rendszerek
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MSZ EN ISO 21225-1:2018



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