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MSZ EN 1090-2:2018
Acél- és alumíniumszerkezetek kivitelezése. 2. rész: Acélszerkezetek műszaki követelményei
Angol cím
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies requirements for execution of structural steelwork as structures or as manufactured components, produced from: — hot rolled, structural steel products up to and including grade S700; — cold formed components and sheeting up to and including grade S700 (unless coming within the scope of EN 1090-4); — hot finished or cold formed austenitic, austenitic-ferritic and ferritic stainless steel products; — hot finished or cold formed structural hollow sections, including standard range and custom-made rolled products and hollow sections manufactured by welding. For components produced from cold formed components, and cold formed structural hollow sections that are within the scope of EN 1090-4, the requirements of EN 1090-4 take precedence over corresponding requirements in this European Standard. This European Standard can also be used for structural steel grades up to and including S960, provided that conditions for execution are verified against reliability criteria and any necessary additional requirements are specified. This European Standard specifies requirements, which are mostly independent of the type and shape of the steel structure (e.g. buildings, bridges, plated or latticed components) including structures subjected to fatigue or seismic actions. Certain requirements are differentiated in terms of execution classes. This European Standard applies to structures designed according to the relevant part of the EN 1993 series. Sheet piling, displacement piles and micropiles designed to EN 1993-5 are intended to be executed in accordance with respectively EN 12063, EN 12699 and EN 14199. This European Standard only applies to the execution of waling, bracing, and connections. This European Standard applies to steel components in composite steel and concrete structures designed according to the relevant part of the EN 1994 series. This European Standard can be used for structures designed according to other design rules provided that conditions for execution comply with them and any necessary additional requirements are specified. This European Standard includes the requirements for the welding of reinforcing steels to structural steels. This European Standard does not include requirements for the use of reinforcing steels for reinforced concrete applications.
91.080.13 Acélszerkezetek
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MSZ EN 1090-2:2018

2018-11-01 - 2024-10-01