
Hivatkozási szám, azonosító jelzet, vagy a szabványcímben előforduló kulcsszó szerinti keresés:

ICS (a szabványok nemzetközi osztályozási rendszere) szerinti keresés

Nettó ár: 15130 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 14749:2016
Bútorok. Háztartási és konyhai tárolók és konyhai munkalapok. Biztonsági követelmények és vizsgálati módszerek
Angol cím
Furniture. Domestic and kitchen storage units and kitchen-worktops. Safety requirements and test methods
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies safety requirements and test methods for all types of kitchen and bathroom storage units and domestic storage furniture and their components. It does not apply to non-domestic storage, office storage, industrial storage, catering equipment, retail storage and industrial storage lockers. It does not apply to units covered by EN 71-1, Safety of toys — Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties and EN 60065, Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus — Safety requirements (IEC 60065). It does not include requirements for the resistance to ageing, degradation, flammability and electrical safety. Safety that is dependent upon the structure of the building is not included, e.g. the strength of wall hanging units includes only the cabinet and its components including wall attachment devices. The wall and the wall attachments are not included. Annex A (normative) contains additional test methods. Annex B (informative) contains a guide to testing of units and components according to this document. Annex C (informative) contains an example of loading of wall hanging units. Annex D (informative) contains a method for calculation of vertical and horizontal acting forces.
97.040.10 Konyhabútorok
97.140 Bútorok
Műszaki Bizottság
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Nettó: 15130 Ft
Papír formátum esetén (5% Áfával): 19064 Ft
PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 19215 Ft
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MSZ EN 14749:2016

2016-08-01 - 2022-10-01