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MSZ EN ISO 16251-1:2015
Akusztika. Padlóburkolatok lépéshangszigetelés-javításának laboratóriumi mérése kisméretű mintadarabon. 1. rész: Nagy tömegű, tömör padlók (ISO 16251-1:2014)
Angol cím
Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor coverings on a small floor mock-up. Part 1: Heavyweight compact floor (ISO 16251-1:2014)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of ISO 16251 specifies a laboratory measurement method to determine the improvement of impact sound insulation by a floor covering when laid on a standard concrete floor mock-up and excited by a standard tapping machine. The method is restricted to soft, flexible floor coverings, which transmit impact sound mainly “locally” into the floor, i.e. through the area close to the points of excitation, so that the size of the flooring specimen does not have an influence on the results. Examples of such floor coverings are carpets, PVC, and linoleum. These floor coverings correspond to ISO 10140-1:2010[5], Annex H, category I. The results only provide information about the noise radiated. A subjective classification of the quality of the floor coverings is not intended. The method is kept as close as possible to the ISO 10140[4] series and yields the same results within the range of uncertainty and within the range of application. In the case of difference with ISO 10140, the result of the ISO 10140 measurement shall be used. This part of ISO 16251 provides the measurement method. Product test codes can contain further requirements concerning the specimens, such as temperature range, the number of test specimens or special mounting conditions. NOTE If non-soft, non-flexible floorings are tested, e.g. those with a laminated structure, increased deviations from the results of the ISO 10140[4] series method may occur due to the dependency on the specimen size.
91.120.20 Épületakusztika. Hangszigetelés
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MSZ EN ISO 16251-1:2015



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