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MSZ EN 61182-2-2:2013
Nyomtatott áramkörök gyártásához szükséges termékek. Gyártásleíró adatok és átviteli módszertan. 2-2. rész: Termékcsoport-követelmények nyomtatott áramkör gyártási adatai leírásának elhelyezéséhez (IEC 61182-2-2:2012)
Angol cím
Printed board assembly products. Manufacturing description data and transfer methodology. Part 2-2: Sectional requirements for implementation of printed board fabrication data description (IEC 61182-2-2:2012)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 61182 provides the information on the manufacturing requirements used for fabricating printed boards. This standard determines the XML schema details, defined in the generic standard IEC 61182-2 and some of the sectional standards that are required to accomplish the focused tasks. When other standards are invoked, their requirements become a mandatory part of the fabrication details as defined in the IEC 61182-2. The IEC 61182-2 contains all the requirements necessary to build an electronic product. The cardinality indicated in the IEC 61182-2 may be superseded by a restriction of an attribute (enumerated string ID) or indication of a requirement that is noted as being optional in the generic standard. However, this standard renders the requirement mandatory based on the supply chain communication need. In order to assist the users of this standard, all the applicable XML schema elements that apply to the board fabrication function are listed in Annex A. The list is grouped by topics and shows the absolute path for the elements that pertain to the focus of this standard. If the parent element is not present no children are considered in the implementation either. However, all attributes identified for a particular element follow the cardinality of the IEC 61182-2, unless a restriction is stated in this standard.
31.180 Nyomtatott áramkörök és lapok
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MSZ EN 61182-2-2:2013

2013-05-01 - 2024-11-01


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